Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute


The goal of equity-minded teaching and learning is to promote a culture of validating students’ identities and culture, engaging students in their academic work, and recognizing student capacity. This can be accomplished through the meaningful implementation of multiple teaching approaches.

The Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute (EMTLI) is a yearly cohort-based professional development activity in which participating faculty analyze their classroom data, disaggregated by race and ethnicity, and then make changes to their curriculum and teaching practices using an equity-minded teaching framework. This is accomplished via the creation of their EMTLI Portfolio by the conclusion of the institute. Faculty are compensated their AFT contractual non-classroom rate for meeting times or $1,400.00 whichever is greater for the successful completion of EMTLI.         

During the first semester of the EMTLI, faculty receive their disaggregated classroom data to identify strengths and weaknesses in their current practices, and develop goals to address areas of concern. Faculty then participate in a series of inquiry and thematic meetings, reviewing inequitable historical practice in education and the California Master Plan, also featuring expert guest speakers and facilitators, designed to give faculty a foundation in the history of educational practice, student capacity and equity-minded teaching. In the second semester, once faculty better understand these concepts and the equity-minded framework, they can then make curricular and/or pedagogical changes intended to close equity gaps, and assess their interventions to promote a culture of continuous improvement.


EMTLI Sign-Up Form:

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